Events Not Functioning Correctly
Problem reported by Ben Santiardo - 9/8/2015 at 12:44 PM
I seem to be having some issues with custom events, they are not firing correctly based on specified criteria.
Using: ST v11.2.5703
Custom Event #1
Type: Ticket Message Received
Agent Assigned: [Equals] [Agent Account]
Messages Received:    [Greater Than] [1]
Problem: This even fires even when there is only 1 message. I do not want the original message to cause this even to fire. Only "additional" replies should kick off this event, however the "original" ticket creation causes this even to fire also.
Custom Event #2
Type: Ticket Idle
Idle Minutes: [Greater Than] [10]
Department: [Equals] [Selected Department]
Group: [Equals] [Selected Group]
Agent Assigned: [Equals] [Queue]
Problem: This even fires even if the ticket is NOT assigned to the Queue. I expect that this event should only fire should the ticket be idle for 10+ minutes and still be assigned to the Queue. If the ticket is assigned to ANY agent this event should not be firing...however it is.
Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst
Eastern Suffolk BOCES

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Ben.  I just tested these, and both events worked as expected.  I'm using the same version of SmarterTrack that you mention.  I would recommend opening a support ticket for this one. 
Justin Anderson Replied
Was there any resolution to this?  We are also having issue with Events not firing correctly.  Ours is slightly different, but I was assuming that they may be related.  There were 3 items that should have been closed based on the criteria, however it only closed one of them this time and the next day picked up another one.
Ben Santiardo Replied
Unfortunately no. I didn't want to burn a support ticket on this in case a more critical problem comes up later. I am just dealing with the fact that the events are not firing correctly in the cases described in my OP. ::Shrugs::
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Justin Anderson Replied
ok thanks. I am in the same boat. I only have 1 ticket. Guess we will wait until they find the bug on their own or someone who can afford extra support cases submits it.

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