Limit local users to send/recv mail from local mailboxes only
Question asked by Elbert Cook - 8/25/2015 at 1:12 PM
We have SmarterMail 14.x
Can we limit users, or create a domain where?
The user/users can only send/recv mail from/to local mailboxes defined on the local SmarterMail server?
We wish to have email accounts on the plant production floor where the workers can email their department supervisor or plant manager, but not be able to email outside the building or receive email "Joke of the Day" blast from external sources.
The users will have terminal server accounts and use Outlook 2010.

4 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
If you are going to block all incoming and outgoing messages except for internal use only, as a System Administrator you can stop the SMTP service under Manage | Services.  If you are only wanting to prevent incoming external messages ("Joke of the Day", etc.) and outgoing external messages for certain domains, then as a Domain Admin, edit the user(s) that you want to limit, go to the Service Access tab, and deselect "Enable incoming SMTP access" and "Enable outgoing SMTP access".  The user(s) can still receive and send mail to local domains, but external senders will receive a 550 no such user and the user(s) will receive a bounce with 550 outgoing SMTP is not permitted.
You can also disable those two settings under Domain Settings | Advanced Settings | Default User Settings and then propagate those two settings to all domain users with the User Propagation option.
I hope this helps.
Paul Blank Replied
This is another one of those places where outgoing content filtering would be a good thing to have.
Elbert Cook Replied
Thanks, that seems to work.
We seem to be required to initially give all new user "Incoming and Outgoing" access else Outlook will not let us create the email account. Once the email account is create, we were able to disabled "Incoming and Outgoing" access and achieved our goal.
They Call Me Matt Replied
I'm afraid that while this may have worked back in 2015, on v15.7.6443 disabling incoming SMTP Access results in a 550 error when sending from another account on the same server & domain to that user that had incoming SMTP disabled.

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