Possibility to select which part of SmarterTrack should be displayed after entering application
Idea shared by Webio - 9/23/2014 at 3:30 AM
I would like to propose idea of functionality which would allow which part of SmarterTrack should be displayed when user is entering SmarterTrack. IMHO home screen in not usable enough to display it as a first page. It always leads to KB, Tickets or Community. For example in my scenario I would like to have Home button removed and Knowledge base being displayed instead of Home button when user is opening my helpdesk page.
What do you think about it?

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Any chance for marking this as a proposed or under consideration? IMHO current portal.smartertools.com home page is also page which is not doing anything and probably 95% visitors are going to community section. It would be much better to have "forum"/community (or any else part of SmarterTrack) section visible as a main page.

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