Web Services - UpdateUser2 From svcUserAdmin
Question asked by ScottF - 4/29/2015 at 7:55 AM
We're using UpdateUser2 from svcUserAdmin to allow users to reset passwords.
Is there a better way to do this without overriding the values already set for FirstName, LastName, and Mailbox size?
Thank You,
Scott F.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Scott,
What occurs when you do not enter the values for the First name and Last Name ?  I was using Storm API application and entered the values for the username and entered the new password. I did not have to enter the first or last name values in the other fields in order to update the account.
Please let me know if there was any warnings or errors upon editing the account.
ScottF Replied
We are using VB.net to connect the Web Service references. When a call is made to UpdateUser2 all parameters are required. Using an empty string (“”) removes the values from first and last name fields. Maybe those fields along with mailbox size can be made optional.
Thank You,
Scott F.

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