Allow calendar events to be shared across select shared resouce calendars
Idea shared by Chaz Garrett - 1/14/2015 at 12:38 PM
I recently started looking at some of the features of SM to see how it can help my company.  One feature I like is the "Shared Resources - Calendar" feature.  This is something I think we can use but I have encountered a problem.  There may be a solution for this issue and if there is please let me know.  Here is our set up:
Every employee has a personal calendar - default
Some employees are only on our "Office" calendar (non-construction employees)
Some employees are only on our "Project" calendar (construction employees & construction progress calendar)
The issue:
We have a few weekly meetings that involve both the office and project calendar. Is there any way to post an event to multiple calendars? 

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I think you made a similar post recently, but I'll 1UP you just because I need the same thing.

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